This is a document that was located in the Logan Papers at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania which speaks of people living
on the Delaware River (which was called the "South River" at the time (prior to the arrival of William Penn) going to New
Amsterdam (New York) to petition for various things. In addition to freedom of conscience (4th article), three courts were
established including the Court at Upland (Chester) which later moved to Kingsessing in the Schuylkill
At Meeting of the Commanders and Hon Council of War, holden on the 12th September, 1673
Present - Commander Jacob Benckes,
Commander Cornelis Evertse, Junior
Captain Anthony Colve
The Deputies from the South river entering and delivering their credentials, further declaring their submission to the sovereignty
of their High Mightinesses the Lords States-General of the United Netherlands and his Serene Highness, the Prince of Orange,
with request that they may be granted and allowed some privileges, handing in, to that effect, some articles which, being taken
into consideration, it is ordered as follow
1st. The Petitioners are allowed, until further notice from our Lords Principals, free trade and commerce with Christians and
Indians, the same as given and granted to all other inhabitan
2nd. A person shall be appointed Commandant over the South river who shall be authorized to enlist 10 @ 12 men on our
account, and, furthermore, to summon every sixth man from among the inhabitants of that river, and to order a fort to be built in
the most suitable place, such as the Commandant shall judge necessary for the defense of said rive
3rd. The Commandant shall appoint a person to collect all debts due the English government, report whereof being made to
the Hon Governor, further order shall be issued thereo
4th. The Petitioners are allowed Freedom of Conscience
5th The Hon Governor shall, at the proper time, make disposition respecting the valley adjoining the plac
6th. The Swedes and Fins residing there on the South river shall enjoy the same privileges as will be granted to all other
subjects of this governmen
7th. In compensation and consideration of the excessive expenses which the inhabitants of the South river shall have to incur in
erecting the fort, they are hereby granted and allowed exemption from all rent charges and excise on Wine, Beer and distilled
liquors which will be consumed on the South river until the month of May in the year 167
8th. Those of the English nation shall enjoy the same privileges as will be granted to all the other inhabitants of this government,
provided they take the oath of allegianc
9th. All inhabitants of the South river shall have and hold all their houses, lands and goods lawfully belonging to them.
And in case any persons now residing in Maryland have taken up any lands in the South river and obtained legal deeds therefor,
such persons shall be permitted within the time of three months from date hereof to apply to the Governor here and obtain
confirmation of their patents, and in like manner they shall be obliged to settle down under this government, and take the oath of
allegiance, on pain of forfeiting their lands aforesaid. Adv as above.
(Signed) Jacob Benckes, Cornelis Evertse, Junio
And whereas it is highly necessary for the maintenance of good order, police and so forth, that the inhabitants of the South river
be provided with some courts of justice, we have therefore deemed it necessary to order and instruct the inhabitants of said river
to nominate by plurality of votes, for each court, eight persons as magistrates, whose jurisdiction shall provisionally extend as
One Court of Justice for New Amstel, to which provisionally shall resort the inhabitants dwelling on the east and west banks of
Kristina kill unto Boomties Hook, with those of Apoquenamins kill inclusi
One Court of Justice for the inhabitants of Upland, to which provisionally resort the inhabitants of the east and west bank of
Kristina Kill and upwards unto the head of the rive
One Court of Justice for the inhabitants of the Whorekill, to which shall provisionally resort the inhabitants both on the east and
west side of Cape Hinloopen, unto Boomties Hook, aforesa
And all the aforesaid inhabitants are hereby required and directed to deliver the nomination to the Commander of Schout Peter
Arigs, to be then transmitted to us by the first opportunity, when a selection shall be made therefrom and sent to each of them.
Dated as above.
(Signed), Jacob Benckes, Cornelis Evertse, Junior
(Transcription of Document in the Logan Papers, Historical Society of Pennsylvania)