The Singer (AKA Indian Rock)..Natural stone formation on trail below the Scott Estate..
Photo by S. Borders
The Singer may sing a new song
Created from rock with a memory long
Of comings and goings along Darby Creek
There has been some excitement there this week
Up above on the property once owned by the Scotts
On the "Heights of Darby," which was by the Nuns bought
Now a park for the County it's slated to be
And now is the planning for what it can be
It may be a challenge but well worth the candle
To look at potential from different angles
The nature, the buildings, the people, the space
May they all come together in uniqueness of place.
The Minquas who traveled, the troops who encamped
The Railroad Prince son and the Trumbauer stamp
The Singer who watches the Darby Creek Flow
The future is open, who knows where it will go?
John Haigis 6/30/16 (Written about when the County purchased the property)